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全美青少年科学与人文大赛 Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (简称JSHS) Program 是一项由美国陆军、海军和空军三项赞助的 STEM 竞赛,旨在促进中学生对科学、技术、工程和数学的原创性研究和实验。每年近20,000名高中生在各州赛地区参加大赛选拔,以竞争最终进入全美决赛的入场券。JSHS参赛地区地区涵盖了美国的所有50个州、哥伦比亚特区、波多黎各以及欧洲和太平洋的国防部学校。适合对象9-12年级,对科学、技术、工程和数学等学科方向感兴趣,有自己的原创研究课题项目,来自全美、哥伦比亚特区、波多黎各以及欧洲和太平洋地区的同学们。
申报学科环境科学、生物医学科学、生命科学、医药与健康/行为科学、工程与技术、物理科学、化学等学科类别。比赛时间9-12月 JSHS区域赛,竞选区域奖项/国赛入场券1-3月 JSHS举行区域专题讨论会4-5月 JSHS国赛,评选国赛奖项荣誉和颁发奖学金
提交内容1、研究论文2、摘要3、Poster4、定时presentation,个人陈述约 12 分钟,提问约 6 分钟5、Statement on Outside Assistance
比赛奖项区域决赛入围者奖每个地区总共发放 4,500美元 的本科生学费奖学金。第一名获得 $ 2,000第二名将获得 $ 1,500第三名将获得 $ 1,000
全国决赛入围者在全国研讨会研究论文的每项主题类别的前三名入围者中,共颁发了192,000美元的大学学费奖学金。第一名入围者将获得 $ 12,000第二名决赛入围者各获得 $ 8,000第三名决赛入围者各获得 $ 4,000在每个主题类别的国家研讨会研究海报竞赛中,入围决赛的决赛选手将获得总计 10,800美元 的现金奖励。海报比赛的第一名决赛入围者每人将获得 $ 550海报比赛第二名入围者各获得 $ 450海报比赛第三名入围者各获得 $ 350
部分获奖课题Environmental ScienceResearch Title: A Dual Sensor Machine Learning Approach to Sulfur Quantification of Lignite CoalBiomedical ScienceResearch Title: Novel Preventative Strategies for Acute Kidney Injury & Chronic Kidney Disease
Medicine & Health/Behavioral ScienceResearch Title: Developing A Urinalysis Immunoassay for Cortisol Detection Year 2
Life ScienceResearch Title: Resilin Distribution and Abundance in Apis mellifera Wing Joints across Biological Age Classes
Engineering and TechnologyResearch Title: Development of a Fully Reusable and Autonomously Landing Suborbital Launch Vehicle
Physical ScienceResearch Title: Exploring the Wonders of the Early Universe: Green Pea Galaxies and Light Flux
ChemistryResearch Title: Synthesis of a Tau Aggregation Inhibitor in Relation to Alzheimer’s Disease
Mathematics and Computer ScienceResearch Title: X-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Model for X-Ray Threat Detection
Environmental ScienceResearch Title: The Application of Advanced Oxidation Using an Isopropyl Alcohol and β-Cyclodextrin Enhanced Fenton Reaction to Remove Pharmaceuticals from Synthetic Wastewater
Biomedical ScienceResearch Title: Designing, Prototyping and Testing of a Multi-lumen Urinary Catheter with Sustained Unidirectional Biocide Flow
Medicine & Health/Behavioral ScienceResearch Title: Using Drosophila melanogaster as an Integrated Model to Elucidate theCellular and Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Life ScienceResearch Title: North Atlantic Minke Whales Exhibit Spatially Varied Vocal Responses to Ambient Noise and a Novel Paradigm for Passive Acoustics Research
Engineering and TechnologyResearch Title: Guiding Device for the Visually Impaired using Artificial Intelligence Category: Engineering and Technology
Physical ScienceResearch Title: Computational Eye-Tracking Biomarker for Improved NeuropsychologicalEvaluation via Deep Learning
ChemistryResearch Title: Evaluation of Isoheme: A Novel Replacement for Blood in Forensic Science
Mathematics and Computer ScienceResearch Title: An Enhanced Early Detection Model of Dengue Fever Outbreaks Using SEIR Infectious Disease Epidemiological Compartments, Generalized Linear Regression fRelationships, and Statistical Computing
Environmental ScienceResearch Title: Oil Adsorption Capacities of Organic Materials
Biomedical ScienceResearch Title: Grape Polyphenols Inhibit Dental Bacteria and Pro-Inflammatory Signaling
Medicine & Health/Behavioral ScienceResearch Title: The Potential Role of Trophoblast Slc20a2 Mutations in Vascular Calcification of the Placenta
Life ScienceResearch Title:?Atmospheric Moisture Harvesting Device: Biomimicking Torrey Pine Needles
Engineering and TechnologyResearch Title: Embedded System for the Real-Time Fall Detection of Elderly Individuals using Thermal Imaging and Deep Learning
Physical ScienceResearch Title: An in vitro evaluation of the relationship between stress and mineralization through the use of a piezoelectric barium titanate composite
ChemistryResearch Title: Building an Efficient Reversible Fuel Cell Stack for Use as a Backup Power Source
Mathematics and Computer ScienceResearch Title: Deep Multimodal Learning for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder