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Leonard L. Milberg ’53 High School Poetry Prize 伦纳德·L·米尔伯格53高中诗歌奖旨在挖掘美国或国外的11年级学生的杰出文学创作,竞赛由普林斯顿大学的刘易斯艺术中心(Lewis Center for the Arts)举办。本比赛的评委会由普林斯顿大学写作系的成员组成,如Michael Dickman,Yiyun Li,Paul Muldoon,James Richardson,Tracy K. Smith,Susan Wheeler和Monica Youn。
刘易斯艺术中心是以已故的Peter B. Lewis(1933年-2013年)命名的。刘易斯先生是普林斯顿大学1955届的毕业生,也是大学的前特许理事,他在2006年向大学捐赠了1.01亿美元,开创了普林斯顿大学艺术的新时代。普林斯顿大学的创意写作、舞蹈、音乐剧、戏剧、视觉艺术和跨学科工作室等课程组成了刘易斯艺术中心(Lewis Center for the Arts)。该中心通过每年举办100多场公开演出、展览、读书会、电影放映和讲座,为校园和更广泛的普林斯顿地区社区服务,其中大部分是免费的。
参赛时间竞赛提交将于 2021 年 11 月 1 日开始,截止日期为 11 月 28 日晚上 11:59(美国东部时间)
竞赛希望有积极性的学生能够选择参加比赛,并希望他们能够将诗歌的写作和分享视为一种乐趣,而不是一种义务。推荐阅读下列诗歌选本:Poem-a-Day: 365 Poems for Every Occasion, edited by Tamar Brazis20th Century Pleasures, edited by Robert HassThe Best of the Best American Poetry, edited by Robert Pinsky
2021获奖作品欣赏Olivia YangCharlotte, North CarolinaEtymology of Loss
The day my mother died, I openedmy copy of the?Tibetan Book of Living?and Dying?for the first time. I strokedeach page, the soft fur of age glisteningbetween my fingers.?Perhaps?the deepest reason why we are afraid of deathis that we do not know who we are.?It is time nowto admit my mother’s death to be twodeaths, the first in her chamber of body,the second in a glass roomin my mind. Her departure left a silenceunderneath the tremblingof my skin, which swallowedgrief as quickly as a reassurancethat this was anything but finality.I want to think of death as a metaphorabout empty space. Yet even a ghost will gnawat its coffin. When it’s packed too tightlytogether, there’s a thickness to dustI’d never noticed before. Like the birthday cake I ate at seven — a diabetic sweetnesssmudged in icing, recoilingfrom the skin of my throat.I drag the knife across glazed fleshtenderly, as if to rouse the bodyslumbering beneath frosted casing.A sprig of pale lily rests on my platter –no, wilts upon a coffin. The light goes out.The flicker of an exhausted wick lingers, butanelicking the corners of my mother’s witheringlilac lips. I cannot rememberif she was there to witness the feast.What does death do with the bodyit discards? The same that we dowith the things we do not want. Mother,when I try to capture your face, I can only rememberyour cheekbones outlining a mouthdownturned, flushed in the rouge of anger.When I try to grieve, I openthe same book and highlight with a penthe words that can border youin your wake — a cold body stillstuck, clinging onto caking ash.But what is this? A revival? Or an erasure?To contain you, I created a roomwhich was also a ghost. The distance betweenyou and I — faceless. I keep forgettingempty space can also be a doorand even now, I wish I could enterand exit freely.But I know this is not an elegyfor I still do not know the wordsthat can contain you.