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IHBB国际历史挑战(International History Bee & Bowl)是美国一个以历史为主题的知识抢答竞赛,竞赛内容涵盖科学、人文、语言及地理等多个领域,考察学生在历史事件、历史人物和历史用语方面掌握的知识。
国际历史挑战(International History Bee & Bowl)是IAC 国际学术挑战 (International Academic Competitions) 中一个以历史为主题的比赛。致力于在全世界推广历史教育,举办有教育意义的比赛。近年来,中学历史教育在某种程度上被忽视了。国际历史挑战,通过培养学生对历史的兴趣,增强学生对历史的理解,从而给学生传递一种观念:历史不仅仅是一堆名字和日期,而是对人类历史发展进程中每一次努力的理解,从战场到棒球场,从政治舞台到摄影棚,从圣地到科学实验室。国际历史挑战(International History Bee & Bowl)面向全球学生,以英语为比赛语言,分为个人赛(International History Bee)和团队赛(International History Bowl)。
参赛选手与报名资格初级组 (Middle School Division)出生日期为2006年9月1日及之后的学生(适合初中生、小学生)
中级组 (Junior Varsity Division)出生日期为2004年9月1日至2006年8月31日的学生(适合高中生、初中生)
高级组 (Varsity Division)出生日期为2004年9月1日及之前出生的学生(适合高中生)
资格赛赛制介绍比赛形式:线下比赛比赛内容:模块一:International History Bee 个人赛客观题 ,3轮竞答,每轮30题,共90题参赛选手被随机分配到不同教室,每位选手有一个抢答器,进行问题抢答。模块二:International History Bowl团队赛本模块以团队形式进行。每个团队由4名选手组成。一轮比赛由四节组成,共五轮,每节由8-10个长短不一的问题组成,团队需在给定固定的时间进行答题,答对得分,答错不扣分。*团队赛不允许跨校组队晋级标准:??个人赛(International History Bee):前50%的学生将有资格参加2020-2021年个人全球赛??团队赛(International History Bowl):前50%的团队将有资格参加2020-2021年团队全球赛获奖证书:??所有参赛同学可以获得参赛证书(电子版)??全国得分前50% 同学可以获得资格赛优胜奖(电子版)* 初级组、中级组、高级组分别评奖官网链接:https://www.ihbbasia.com/
1. This man’s government attempted to eliminate the Four Pests in an effort that included the Sparrow-Killing Campaign. This man coined sayings such as “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” in a manual that was once the world’s second-most-circulated book after the Bible, his Little Red Book. For the point., name this leader of the Long March who became the “chairman” of Communist China from 1949 to his 1976 death.
Answer:?Mao Zedong
2. This movement absorbed many veterans of the prior generation’s “sonno joi” campaign. This movement, which was opposed by the Satsuma Rebellion and Boshin War, promised to end “evil customs” in its Charter Oath. For the point., name this Japanese reformist campaign which ended the Tokugawa shogunate by returning power to its namesake emperor in 1868.
Answer:?Meiji Restoration
3. This city’s first female mayor was Rosario Roble, and it is currently led by Miguel Mancera. An 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck this city in 1985, and as this city hosted the 1968 Summer Olympics, students were killed in this city’s Square of the Three Cultures in the Tlatelolco Massacre. The Angel of Independence stands above a mausoleum honoring Miguel Hidalgo in this city’s Paseo de la Reforma. For the point, name this North American city, the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world.
Answer: Mexico City