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美国大学本科申请已经进入关键阶段,除了必要的申请材料和网申系统填写、文书等内容之外,最近有不少学生和家长咨询有关第三方面试的问题。要知道美国大学在本科新生的申请人数动辄成千上万的情况下,是很难给大多数的同学安排面试机会的。在这种情况下,如果同学对自己的英语水平有自信,认为自己的交流和表现能力很强,希望学校能更加立体地了解自己,那么自己主动的给学校提交一下面试视频也是一个不错的选择。InitialView面试和Vericant面试是目前比较常见的第三方面试。两者区别明显:InitialView会把视频先发给学生看,学生可以评估之后再决定是否将面试其递送给学校,以及要递送给那些学校。Vericant面试不会在面试后将视频给学生看,而是在学生添加递送学校之后,直接将视频发给学校。另外InitialView不做评分,仅仅是把视频和写作发给学校,Vericant是有评分的。在有选择的前提下,美国大学本科的申请者往往会更多地选择参与第三方面试InitialView。今天我们就给大家带来关于InitialView面试的满满干货,分享一下三位同学参加InitialView的真题。相信大家看过之后一定会大有帮助,对InitialView有更加直观清晰的了解。Student A:Interview Questions1. You’re going to be a high school senior soon, so how does that make you feel? What goals have you set for yourself?2. What are some of the applications (of psychoanalysis)? What would you be able to accomplish with knowledge in this area?3. How long have you been the president of the (psychology club)? What does being the president of the club mean to you?4. What has been your proudest moment in the club? What behavioral traits can students develop to ensure a more positive high school experience?5. What areas outside of the classroom give you confidence? What types of students do you teach (as a club member of Orange Academy)?6. What was the biggest source of stress for the students you worked with (at Orange Academy)?7. How can students in your position positively impact students from underprivileged areas?8. Is there anything else you want to mention? What effect does playing a character with contradictory personalities on screen have on the audience?Writing SampleWrite about a time in which you felt that someone should have defended you but they did not do so. Describe the situation and how it impacted you. You have 20minutes to complete your answer.Student B:Interview Questions1. What are your goals for this academic year? What tools do you have for time management? What are some obstacles in successful time management?2. Who supports you in overcoming obstacles? What tip can you give me to better manage my time?3. Tell me about a typical Saturday. What would you like to add to [the Chinese National Museum]? Are you an art fan?4. Tell me about one of your art pieces that you’re proud of. What did you do with the final product? Tell me about student and faculty feedback.5. If you could put your drawing in a museum, what other art works would be in the same room?6. It you could teach any class, what would it be? Is there a topic in psychology that you’d like to focus on? Is talking about childhood trauma taboo?7. Tell me about a hobby. Is there a genre of music that you enjoy? What Chopin piece could accompany your drawing of the woman who turned into a wolf?8. Is there anything else you’d like to share? Do you identify more with Geri the star or Jerry the mouse?Writing SampleWrite about a situation where your performance was less than optimal. What did you learn from your experience? You have 20 minutes to complete your answer.Student C:Interview Questions1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?What are ways you've found to cope with stress? 2. What motivates you to excel as a student?What draws you to study in America?What are some facilities you want to take advantage of at a university?3. When you're trying to learn something, how do you get information?How have you learned to distinguish fact from fiction on the internet?4. Can you tell me more about [your psychological research]?Tell me more about your role [in the psychology research].5. What's the next social problem that you're hoping to solve with your research skills?Have you had opportunities to serve as an educator?6. What are some activities that you're especially passionate about?7. How do [psychology, education, and mathematics] come together?8. Is there anything you'd like to share? Tell me more about the USDA competition. How did you organize the trainings [for your debate club members]?Writing SampleImagine that one day you discover that time is frozen for everyone, other than you, for 24 hours. How do you respond to this opportunity? You have 20 minutes to complete your answer.最后要注意的是,自己的面试视频出来之后,一定要仔细的回看,看是否有明显的缺陷,是否有重新面试的必要,在有条件的情况下可以找专业老师进行评估。评估之后再挑选一个回答最好的问题进行标注,一旦标注之后不能修改。在学校审核时间有限的情况下,给学校提供一个可以优先观看的视频片段。“Select your one “notable” question. Choose carefully! Once you have selected a notable question, it cannot be changed.”总体来看,InitialView面试的过程更像是聊天,面试官通常会根据对话的进展来即兴提问题。但还是有些重要的问题经常提到,比如:自我介绍;过去遇到的挑战;课外活动的具体细节;未来的目标;为什么要来美国上学等等。最后一定会被问到的是:你还有什么希望补充的信息?在15分钟左右的口语面试结束之后,还会有一个20分钟的命题作文。同学们也要认真对待,要跟平时的写作水平保持一致。写作的题目非常随机,大家有兴趣的话可以关注后续文章或者联系小编。

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