麻省理工学院(MIT),QS World University Rankings连续多年位列第一MIT建筑学,QS建筑学专业世界大学排名连续多年位列第一麻省理工学院建筑与规划学院全称“MIT SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + PLANNING”,简称SA+P,是MIT建校时成立的四大学院之一,SA+P的核心理念是打破传统学科局限,探索广义领域中的建筑艺术,也因此SA+P在建院之初即是作为MIT尝试突破自身“Science and Technology”的刻板学术风格的试验田。在此基础上,MIT建筑在积累传统建造技术优势的同时,积极探索建筑在艺术与人文科学领域的交叉应用,成为现代建筑领域的领头羊。近年来,SA+P一直致力于通过建筑+城市化等项目,使一系列建筑和设计方案得到落地实施,在解决全球变暖、全球化、基数和城市化等方面做出了很大的贡献。
SA+P研究生学位设置如下:Department of ArchitectureMaster of Architecture (MArch)Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)Master of Science in Building Technology (SMBT)Master of Science in Art, Culture and Technology (SMACT)PhD in Architecture(three disciplines)Building TechnologyDesign and ComputationHistory, Theory and Criticism (two tracks:History and Theory of Architecture and the History and Theory of Art)Dual DegreesSimultaneous Degrees In Architecture And DUSP (Department of Urban Studies and Planning)
Department of Urban Studies + Planning (DUSP)Master in City Planning (MCP)Master of Science in Urban Studies and PlanningPhD in Urban Studies and PlanningDual DegreesSimultaneous Degrees In Architecture And DUSP (Department of Urban Studies and Planning)MCP-MST Dual Degree (Master of Science in Transportation)
MIT Media LabMaster of Science in Media TechnologyMaster of Science in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)PhD in Media Arts and Sciences
MIT Center for Real Estate (CRE)Master of Science in Real Estate Development (MSRED)
MIT Art, Culture + Technology (ACT)Master of Science in Art, Culture and Technology (SMACT)
Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU)The Norman B. Leventhal Center of Advanced Urbanism and Departments of Architecture and Urban Studies and Planning have established a collaborative doctoral-level program in Advanced Urbanism.建筑系作为美国的第一个建筑系,在这里着重讲一下Master of Architecture (MArch)建筑学硕士和Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)建筑研究理学硕士这两个项目。MArch program是第一个为以建筑师为职业生涯的学生设置的职业学位。为期三年半,由6个studios和学期论文组成。它的申请系统是不同于其他硕士/博士学位的申请系统的。SMArchS是一个为期两年的高级学习项目,以建筑作为一门学科和实践的研究为基础。该项目既面向已经获得建筑学专业学位的学生,也面向那些对高级非专业研究生学习感兴趣的学生。
SMArchS有几个方向:Architectural DesignBuilding TechnologyComputationUrbanismHistory, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and ArtAga Khan Program for Islamic ArchitectureSA+P目前学生有701名,其中硕士研究生455名,博士研究生199名,本科生只有47名。国际生比例43%。申请难度非常之大。各个项目、各个学位都有不同的先修课要求、作品集要求、面试要求、考试要求等,申请人一定要提前做好规划,提前完成先修课和作品集。下面是QS2021建筑学专业世界大学排名TOP20,供大家参考。